What you need....
- 4 - 8” Round Cakes
- 10" Round Foil Cake Board, White
- 4 Cups White Icing
- 4 Cups Dark Teal Icing
- 2 Cups Light Green Icing
- Ariel Signature Doll Cake Topper
- Teal Green Color
- Leaf Green Color
- Piping Tip #1
- Rose Tip #103
- Large Rose Tip #127
- XL Piping Tip #805
- Basket Weave Tip #897
- 2 ¼” W Cake Icer Tip #790
- 10” Spatula
- 8” Scalloped Slicer Knife
- Medium Coupler
- Plastic Coupler without Notch
- 18” Decorating Bags
- Cake Decorator’s Icing Scraper
- Mix 4 cups of dark teal and 3 cups of light green icing. To get a dark teal icing, mix white icing with 80% Teal Green color and 20% Leaf Green color until it matches the bodice of the doll. For the light green icing, mix 70% Teal Green color and 30% Leaf Green color.
Stack three 8” round cake layers on a 10” Round Cake board. Fill with white icing between each layer. To make icing the layers easy. Place white icing in a large pastry bag and use a 2 ¼” Wide Cake Icer Tip #790 to apply to each layer.
- Using the Ariel doll from the Ariel Signature Doll Cake Topper, measure the doll at the side of the cake. The top layer of the cake should end at Ariel’s hips. If the cake is too low, add another layer.
- Insert the Ariel doll in the center of the top of the cake, feet first until she reaches her hips. Do not remove the plastic covering over her legs and skirt as this protects the doll.
- Using a serrated knife carve the stacked cakes to create the shape of the skirt. Cut starting at the top layer and about a 45 degree angle.
- Press the cake down with your hands to make sure the cake crumbs are adhered to the cake to make base icing easier and more crumb free.
- Using the dark teal icing, base ice the cake with 2 ¼” Wide Cake Icer Tip #790. Smooth with a Cake Decorator’s Icing Scraper.
- Using a straight spatula, start at the base of the dress and smooth upward toward the doll to create pleats in the icing for the dress.
- Pipe a wide light green band around the base of the cake using Basket Weave Tip #897.
- Add light green ruffles using Large Rose Tip #127 to the base of the cake starting just above the band border. Use a wavy, up and down pattern. Create three rows of ruffles alternating the ups ad downs in each row.
- Using a spatula, start at the front center of the Ariel doll and trace a line that goes down and around the back of the cake and back up the other side creating the pattern to follow when piping the peplum.
- Continuing with light green icing and Large Rose Tip #127, pipe the peplum by starting with the lowest layer. Follow the line you just traced and pipe a flat ribbon. Then, continue adding ribbon layers until you reach the doll’s waist. Don’t worry about perfection at the waist, that will be finished in an upcoming step.
- Using Rose Tip #103, add a light green band around the waist of the doll to give the peplum a finished look and make the doll a seamless part of the cake.
- With dark teal icing, use XL Piping Tip #805 to add a swag above the base ruffles.
- Pipe the swirly details on the front of the skirt with light green icing and Piping Tip #1. Add three small dots in a triangle patter above each peak in the swag at the base of the skirt.
- You're done!